Nuit au Ch?¢teau


Current conditions for la Chapoulie

(Figures in parentheses indicate hourly change)

Current conditions: Overcast

Current forecast: Mostly clear and cooler.

Temperature is 6,8°C (-0,3)

Average wind speed is 0 km/h (0)

Wind gust is 0 km/h (0)

Current pressure is 1 011,5 hPa (-0,5)

Current hourly precipitation is 0,0 mm/h (0,0)

Rain today: 0.6 mm¬?

External temperature graph¬?¬? Custom Graph customgraph1.jpg

Daily rain graph¬?¬?Rain rate graph

¬?¬?Time of data: 25 Apr 2024 02:16

Weather station location: 45¬? 9'17.84"N, 1¬?11'44.58"E, elevation 180m.